Instrument Carts
Tubular high tech instrument carts as well as padded rubber mat carts provide excellent  protection for sensitive items during movement, protecting from vibration 
and metal on metal contact. your source for carts


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Ideal for Laboratory or Electronics where small instruments are used. Protect sensitive instruments as well as equipment with tubular design instrument carts.

Instrument Platform Carts (1 Shelf)

Model PA - Economical vibration reduced carts provides safe instrument transportation

Capacity - 1,200 lb

Product Features:

Platform covered with shock absorbing, non-slip, cushioned, non-conductive vinyl matting.

All welded construction (except casters and removable handle).

Durable 12 gauge steel platform, and 12 gauge caster mounts for long lasting use.

1 1/4" tubular handle with smooth radius bend for comfort and uniform appearance.

Bolt on casters, 2 swivel & 2 rigid, for easy replacement and superior cart tracking - see specifications chart.

1-1/2" shelf lips down for flush load and unload.

Platform height 12" (8" casters) and 8" (5" casters).

Handle height above deck - 30".



2 wheel brakes on swivel casters - Code BN (8"), B5 (5")

Floor Lock - Code FN or F5

All swivel casters - Code AS

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